Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic disorder that affects the Retina. The Iowa City Hospital RP center (
http://www.medicinenet.com/retinitis_pigmentosa/article.htm) explains that the retina are damaged either partially or fully. Typically, the disorder runs in families. It begins with symptoms such as night blindness and the development of tunnel vision. Other symptoms include seeing spots constantly. Complete blindness can occur, but is highly unlikely. Individuals that suffer from RP can live relatively lives, with assistance that is. When an individual is diagnosed at a young age, they can learn Braille and buy other devices to try to aid in their adjustment to living with the disease. There are some tests that can be performed to see if you have RP. These include a simple look at the retina while your eyes are dilated as well as genetic tests. By using a genetic test, it can be foretold if an individual has RP at a young age. Additionally,
http://www.retinitis-pigmentosa.com.au/treatmentforretinitispigmentosa/ explains that RP may now be curable. By introducing Beta Carotene, a vitamin that is similar to Vitamin A, an individual can essentially be cured of RP. The disease also surfaces more in men than in women because it appears on the X chromosome. Women are typically carriers for the disease.

My grandfather, William "Bill" Cordes and his brother Walter "Wally" Cordes both have RP.The fact that two brothers have it is extremely uncommon for the disease. My grandpa was diagnosed with the disease while in his 40's. Prior to this diagnosis, he could always see spots and night blindness had set in. He thought that is was something that everyone experienced. By the time I was born, he only could see shadows. In the time of my life, his vision has been reduced to almost nothing. The initial adjustment was easy for my grandpa. When I was little, he would do a lot of household chores while my grandma would be at work. It has been difficult for him to not know what his two grandchildren look like. As my grandpa has gotten older, his legs have been slowly giving out. After countless surgeries, the recovery has been difficult. Overall my grandpa could be living an easier life if he didn't have RP.
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